The most generous Super Bono ever: 30 CUC Cubacel bonus and $10 Voice Credit Bonus

Super Bono is anxious to prove his generosity, so he comes earlier this month: Sunday, March 12 is the big day. And stays until March 17.

What makes Cuba special?

Cuba… that special place everyone is talking about as shrouded in mystery. The forbidden island for the Americans until not so long ago, the place where our thoughts wander after leaving Cuba, because it symbolises all of our past and the people we love so dearly! What makes Cuba so special? We’d say: the people! […]

Most popular apps Cubans use

From morning ‘till the end of the day, there’s always an app you may have by your side, to make you life easier: an app to wake you app, an app to tell you how’s the weather like, to know what clothes to put on, an app (at least) to read while heading for work, […] app is launched, for easier Cubacel and Nauta top ups

Let’s say your mom sends you a message, asking you to top up her phone and you’re on your way to work…Or that your niece needs to spend some time online and who else to ask to tup up her Nauta account than her favorite uncle/aunt?

Great news for your Cubans back home: Voice and SMS Plans from Etecsa

Based on the number of top ups you usually send to Cuba, especially during the Cubacel promotion…

Top 3 greatest wishes Cuban expats have for 2017

When living miles away from your home country and most importantly, from the people you love, your thoughts usually go to Cuba…

Cubacel promotion is here! January 16-20!

If one of your new year’s resolution is to help more your loved ones back home in Cuba, is here to help! Starting January 16 until January 20, for every top up sent to Cuba, they get 30 extra CUC.

Nauta super offer: more than 3 hours of free internet access

2016 had it all: Cubacel offers, great Facebook contests, amazing bonuses for Voice Credit orders and now, just before the end of the year, a super bonus for Nauta recharges: 5 CUC bonus, which means more than 3 hours of free internet access. When: The promotion lasts for three magical days: December 27 – December […]

Christmas gift for you and your loved ones: 10% discount for Voice Credit orders

Let’s get straight to the point: Cubans love to share long stories! And Cuban Christmas stories are even longer than the usual ones!

3 life lessons Cuban expats learn while living abroad

Let’s face it, when moving abroad, everything changes! Places, people, food, habits… everything! Still, the changing process does not have to be dramatic: you meet new people, you see new places, you try new food and we know that you’re smart enough to keep close to your heart the people you left in Cuba. All […]