Easter gift for Cuban expats: $3 bonus for longer international calls to Cuba

For Cubans, Easter is one of the most important holidays, bringing families and friends closer together and helping people understand how important family values are. But what happens when you’re far away from home? We’re here to help you feel closer to home this Easter,  launching a special offer: $3 bonus for Voice Credit orders above $20.

The promotion is open starting April 4 until April 6. The $3 bonus applies when using coupon code EXTRAMINUT3S and brings extra minutes for longer international calls to Cuba. This means, you can call not only your close family, but also your beloved aunts and uncles who will be thrilled to hear your voice again.

As you already know by now, our services are intuitive and easy to use, you can place your calls:

  • From any landline, mobile or even payphone in the world, through access numbers.
  • Through the smartphone app called KeepCalling, available for iOS and Android.
  • From any PC with an Internet connection, through the Web Call app available in customers’ accounts/your account.

The rate for international calls to Cuba is 69.9 ¢/min, both for landlines and mobiles, and the cost of a text message is 7¢.