There are many things that set Cubans apart from other nationalities, but we’ll leave those to the history books and encyclopedias. We’ll just mention those peculiarities that will make you smile and say: “Yes, you’re right! That happened to me, too, when I was a kid” or “Sure, I also do that!” or “That’s exactly […]
3 Tips to cope with Easter homesickness
/in NewsFor people who live outside their mother country, with many family and friends back home, holidays are filled with mixed feelings.
New Plan to call Cuba! Check out our killer rates>>
/in NewsGreat news for those of you who would spend hours talking to the family and friends back home in Cuba. In a perfect world, where money is no problem.
Prince Charles comes to Cuba and Cubacel promo to you: March 27-30
/in NewsCubacel 100th promo is here!
/in celebrates 100 Cubacel promos with a new surprise for you, our beloved customers,
You are a Cuban if…
/in NewsThere are many things that set Cubans apart from other nationalities, but we’ll leave those to the history books and encyclopedias. We’ll just mention those peculiarities that will make you smile and say: “Yes, you’re right! That happened to me, too, when I was a kid” or “Sure, I also do that!” or “That’s exactly […]
Old versus new? What do you like the most?
/in Newsometimes the past looks fascinating… a stress-free oasis located far away from the nowadays hurricane life we live. For some reason, past doesn’t seem to be in a hurry. It waits patiently for the people to live their quiet, happy lives. At some point, past may even seem desperately quiet and simple! What do you […]
3 tips for Cuban expats on how to land their dream job
/in NewsWhen leaving Cuba for a better life, a job is something that may turn your challenge into a dream or a not so pleasant experience. So, when applying for an position, don’t forget that a HR person will likely see tens, maybe hundreds of resumes for the position you are hoping to get. How can you […]
TRIPLE BONO for your Cubacel recharges ->>January 28 – February 2
/in Cubacel bonus, News, OffersHow Much Can You Navigate with the New 3G Internet Plans in Cuba?
/in NewsNow that the 3G Internet has arrived in Cuba, we were wondering how you and your loved back home are dealing with data consumption.
7 fun facts about January
/in Cubacel bonus, News, OffersIn addition to one of the biggest celebrations the world sees every year, January has many more celebrations, traditions and fun facts: