We can think of living abroad as a saving experience in itself, since it’s an kind of long travel you wouldn’t afford otherwise. However, the money issues may be challenging after leaving Cuba and becoming an expat, making every penny count.
So here are 5 tips that can help all Cuban expats organize better their budget and save money for the things that really matter:

1. Set up a budget and keep records

Write down a list of the monthly expenses, then make sure they are paid before starting to spend money on things you like, but that aren’t necessarily needed. A new pair of shoes? A new gadget? These can wait, the electricity bill will not! So, prioritizing is the keyword! But that’s not enough, you must also keep records and then analyze what can be improved.

2. Analyse & compare

Don’t take the first offer! Prospect the market, compare and choose the best offer. That will help you save money that you may use for activities that make you happy.

3. Do it yourself…

Restaurants? Tempting, especially after an exhausting day of work. But still, a homemade meal is a lot cheaper. And that’s just an example…

4. Networking with other expats

The proverbial “I’ve been there” might actually be a reality. So, sharing ideas, experiences, money-saving tips with other people who’ve been in the same situation like you may help you improve your saving efforts. Plus, this is a great way to soothe your soul.

5. Use HablaCuba for your international calls and top ups.

Regardless of where you are or how far you are from home, you definitely need to stay in touch with your loved ones back home. So, here’s a tip: use the newly upgraded Monthly Plan from HablaCuba.com: for $49.99 per month, you now get 90 minutes, instead of 80 minutes, the old number of minutes included.