What makes Cubans fall in love?
Cubans are famous for their power to fight for the people they love, for the sacrifices they make to keep their families happy. But what about the beginning of the love stories? This Valentine’s Day, we were curious to see what makes you fall in love? The eyes? The lips? A warm heart? Or a witty brain?
Here is what our Facebook fans said:

What made me fall in love with my current partner is his patience to live everything day by day, helping me every time I needed, staying though good and through good times and bad times, to see the worst in me and still love me, to share with me the little. That’s what made me fall in love with him.

What made me fall in love with my partner was the fact that he is understanding, loyal and always there when I need him the most, offering unconditional love to me and our children despite the distance that separates us. He write me daily and looks after me and the children, he’s a great husband and father . On the first of March we celebrate 22 years of marriage and our love is still strong and that makes me love him more as days go by.

It was love at first sight and although very few believe in it, I can say that we got married and we still feel the same about one another as we did 6 years ago. What made me fall in love was the feeling that I knew him since ever.

The way he looks at me and accepts me just the way I am.

What I like about him is his modesty, the fact that he is loving and very funny, always makes me smile, we get along well, he shows me how much he loves me very day. #DiaDeLosEnamodaros #Cuba
What makes you fall in love? Either you want to share this with your better half or not, you can give a short call just to say: Hey, thanks for being a part of my life!