Fun things Cuban dads say you can definitely relate to

Scientific facts about friends

Can you imagine this world without any friends? It would be pretty darn boring, and depression would take over our lives.

Top 5 famous Cuban recipes

If you could associate home with one taste, what would it be?

Celebrating Mother’s Day for a whole week, with an awesome bonus

We know Mother’s Day is gone, but we sometimes feel that unexpected gifts are the ones we enjoy the most, right?

3 things about Cuban moms you’ll surely understand

Cuban women are normally brave. And, it’s not a matter of them being competitive and trying to win “the bravest woman” competition, should it be such a thing.

How to be hopeful, no matter what

Sometimes we see the world through cloudy-colored glasses. We’ve all been there, we know how it feels. That’s why we put together a list of tips that show us how to nudge our mind toward the sunny side.

How to enjoy life more…

Do you ever feel that you are constantly waiting for the next big thing to happen and sometimes forget to enjoy everyday life?

Easter games the whole family can enjoy

Even if Easter may have looked different back home in Cuba, it is the perfect time to honor traditions and play fun activities that everyone can participate in.

Last 2 days to grab the bonuses

A new type of promo was launched, offering extra GB your loved ones still living in Cuba need so much to stay connected.

Funny pranks for Cuban grown ups

You don’t have to be a kid to play practical jokes and funny pranks on friends and family members. Adults like to make mischief too, right?