New Year resolutions

How do women welcome the new year? What about men? Are their wishes similar? Or not even close? Let’s see what our two Cuban heroes, Celita and Super Bono plan for 2016.

Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 15.55.49Celita
Should I even bother drawing the list of New year resolutions? Last year my resolution was to keep a diary and it only has one page: January 1st. But 2016 is an opportunity to start over. So, let’s see what I’ll try to do this year:
1. cook more often! (probability of achievement – less than 50%)
2. call mom and dad more often (that I can do! They always have some news to share, memories or plans to talk about. Plus the rate with HablaCuba is 69.9c/min.)
3. nag Super Bono less about going out with his friends (no promise there…)
4. spend less (although, never mind, this should not be on the list)
5. pay attention more to the people and things that really matter and less to the little obstacles life can though in front of me.
As long as I have Super Bono, my family and friends by my side, all challenge will be successfully overcome.

Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 15.56.00Super Bono
New Year resolutions! That’s easy! The same I have last year… and the year before!
1. Go to the gym more often
2. Eat healthier
3. Quit smoking
If Celita sees this list, I’m a dead man. So, let’s add something new for 2016:
4. Spend more time with Celita. She fills my heart with joy and makes every day special, so 2016 should be amazing for the two of us.
5. Offer her more gifts. Maybe a cooking class subscription?

Are some of these resolutions on your list?
Join us on Facebook and let us know what are your plans for 2016!