That’s a feeling everyone is struggling with, so it’s important to be kind to ourselves and to look out for each other. We know that this will pass too, so stay optimistic and share this positive attitude with those around you. With vaccines now rolling out, there is reason to hope that there is an end in sight, so hang in there and try to identify those negative feelings that may challenge your ability to keep in smile in the middle of these stormy times. Experts talk about pandemic fatigue, which is more than physical and mental exhaustion, it’s the overall depletion of resources that influences our capability to stick to the strict hygiene measures we still need to follow.

Uclahealth lists the following signs of pandemic fatigue, that is feeling:

  • Helpless

  • Sad

  • Worried

  • Frustrated

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  • Irritable

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You may notice that you:

  • Eat or sleep more or less than usual

  • Have trouble focusing (brain fog)

  • Feel edgy or nervous

  • Snap at or argue with others

  • Lack motivation

  • Are unable to stop racing thoughts

  • Withdraw from others

So what to do? Here are some recommendations experts find useful during these last few months of the once in a century pandemic.

Take care of yourself

Get enough rest and make sure you’re maintaining a healthy diet, exercise, do whatever relaxes you. All these things will boost your energy and lift your mood.

Lower your news and social media exposure

It’s not the first time you’re hearing this and it’s probably not the first time you are telling yourself: yes, starting tomorrow, that’s what I’ll do. And a new day comes and the compulsion to check your social pages kicks. And then you’re angry with yourself, again. Vicious circle… How about starting a social media schedule? You can check access them 4 times a day, and you’ll see how it goes from there

Stay connected with your family and friends

Human connection is the enemy of stress, that’s a rule of thumb that stays valid outside pandemics, too. Although you should still limit your physical contact with people outside your household, there are other ways to connect socially. You can call, set up video calls, join online classes. Keep in mind, you can always count on us when it comes to staying connected to your loved ones back in Cuba, either by calling or by sending them top ups or Nauta recharges that enable them to get internet access.

Practice mindfulness and gratitude

Try being in the moment, breathing and looking around at what you have. The more you do this, the easier it gets. We put ourselves through a lot of unnecessary misery projecting into the future or ruminating about the past. For now, just take life day by day.

Don’t give up

No matter how tired you may be of hand sanitizer and social distance stickers on the ground, now is not the time to give up. Pandemic fatigue is real, and it poses a real threat to our ongoing work of curbing the spread of COVID-19.
Eventually the pandemic will be a distant memory. But for now: don’t give up the fight.