As a Cuban expat, it can be tough being far away from the culture and traditions of your homeland. But there’s one way you can bring a piece of Cuba into your home and keep the connection alive: create a “Cuban corner”!
A Cuban corner is a space in your home that’s dedicated to Cuban culture and tradition. It can be a small corner of your living room, a shelf in your bedroom, or any other space that you can fill with items that remind you of Cuba.

Here’s why every Cuban expat needs a Cuban corner in their home:

  • It’s a way to keep Cuban culture alive. By surrounding yourself with Cuban art, music, books, and other items, you can keep the culture and traditions of Cuba alive in your home.
  • It’s a conversation starter. When guests come to your home, your Cuban corner is sure to spark conversation and interest. It’s a great way to share your culture and traditions with others.
  • It’s a source of comfort. When you’re feeling homesick or missing Cuba, spending time in your Cuban corner can be a great source of comfort and nostalgia.
  • It’s a way to stay connected to your roots. Even if you can’t physically be in Cuba, your Cuban corner can serve as a reminder of where you come from and what makes you unique.

Here are some ideas for items to include in your Cuban corner:

  • Artwork by Cuban artists
  • Books about Cuba, its history, and its culture
  • Music by Cuban artists, or a record player to play old-school Cuban vinyl
  • Cuban flags or other patriotic symbols
  • Traditional Cuban clothing, such as guayaberas or panama hats
  • Cuban cigars or rum (for display purposes only, of course!)
  • Photos of Cuba or of your own family and friends in Cuba

Creating a Cuban corner doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. You can start small and build on it over time. The important thing is that you’re creating a space that reflects your love for your culture and your connection to your homeland.
So go ahead and create your own Cuban corner today! It’s a simple and meaningful way to keep the spirit of Cuba alive in your home.