Being a Cuban expat living in the USA can be tough. You miss the warm Caribbean breeze, the smell of fried plantains, and of course, your family and friends back home. But fear not, because there are plenty of ways to connect with your Cuban community and make new amigos. Here are some tips on how to find your Cuban community in the USA.

Go to Cuban Festivals and Events

One of the best ways to connect with your fellow Cuban expats is to attend cultural events. You’ll find lots of them throughout the year, from Cuban festivals to parades to parties celebrating Cuban heritage. Not only will you get to soak up some Cuban culture, but you’ll also get to meet new people, maybe learn some salsa moves, and even make some lifelong friends.

Join a Cuban Social Club

Another great way to find your Cuban community is by joining a social club. These clubs are usually organized by region or city, and they’re a great place to meet other Cuban expats who share your interests. You might find clubs that offer dance classes, cooking classes, or language classes. Who knows, you might even find your next dance partner or cooking buddy!

Check out Cuban Restaurants and Cafes

If you’re feeling homesick for some good ol’ Cuban food, check out some of the Cuban restaurants and cafes in your area. You’ll be able to indulge in some of your favorite dishes like ropa vieja, picadillo, and of course, some Cuban coffee. Strike up a conversation with the staff or other patrons to find out more about the local Cuban community.

Join Cuban Expat Groups on Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with other Cuban expats in the USA. There are plenty of Facebook groups and other online communities where you can chat with other Cubans, get advice, and stay up-to-date on community events. Just search for “Cuban expat groups” and you’ll find plenty of options.

Attend Church Services

If you’re a practicing Catholic, attending church services can be a great way to connect with other Cuban expats who share your faith and culture. Look for Catholic churches in your area that offer Mass in Spanish. You’ll be able to meet other Cubans, maybe even make some new friends, and strengthen your faith at the same time.

Finding your Cuban community in the USA can be challenging, but it’s definitely doable. By attending cultural events, joining social clubs, visiting Cuban restaurants and cafes, using social media, and attending church services, you’ll be able to connect with other Cuban expats and make new friends. So don’t be shy, put yourself out there, and who knows, you might just find your new Cuban familia in no time!