Extended studies, as well as common wisdom and personal experiences, show us that every big change needs small steps. Change cannot happen overnight. If it happens, it usually doesn’t last. So we need patience and resilience to reach our goals.

Schedule your day and start with the hardest tasks

When you’re able to schedule effectively and stick to your plan, it helps you set your priorities and make the best use of your day. Why should you start with the most challenging tasks? Because people tend to postpone the tasks that make them feel uncomfortable, get out of their comfort zones, but they spend a lot of time thinking about them in the meantime. Also, getting rid of what’s hard also gives you a sense of relief that makes everything else on your schedule for the day seem simple in comparison.

Break down the big goals into smaller ones

For instance, let’s say you want to save $1000 by June. If you think of this in terms of: I need to save $160 per month or $40 per week, it seems easier, right? The same can be said for losing weight or any other goal that sounds hard to achieve. Translate it into smaller, achievable goals that would give you satisfaction and keep you on track. 

Cut the screen time

How much time do you spend on social media or checking emails that you have no interest in reading? And how useless is it, most of it? Not only it does not bring you any benefits, but it frustrates you even more when you realize you could have spent that time doing more of what makes you happy: reading a book, going out for a walk, catching up with an old friend, trying a new recipe, spending quality time with your family…

Pretend to be your own hero

Lifehack.org recommends it and we love the idea! When you’re faced with a challenging situation, an intimidating project, a new career leap, an important meeting, think about a hero in your industry or career. Then ask yourself what this person would do in your situation. How would she handle it? Would he be intimidated? Fearful? Or confident and calm? Now imagine yourself doing exactly what you think you would do. And this is valid for personal decisions as well.

Less is more

The perpetual need for more does not necessarily add any true value to our lives. Similarly, the pursuit to fulfill all your desires and passions will most likely create an even more intensive yawing for them. Or for others. There’s a vicious cycle. So welcome simplicity. Not only will it help you to be more content with what you already have, but it also helps you to waste less time chasing things you don’t even need.