Top 5 skills Cuban expats need abroad

Moving abroad is not always easy, as there are many challenges rising every day. Starting from not having close by the people your life revolved around to the new lifestyles you discover in the new world you chose as “home”. For Cuban expats, due to their adventurous spirit, eagerness to learn and risk-taking attitude, things […]

Meet a new Cubacel hero for international top-ups to Cuba: Super bono!

Every good story has a superhero, and so does your relationship with your family and friends back home in Cuba. Of course, you are the superhero, since you’re the one sending them mobile top-ups each month and sometimes even more often. But sometimes superheroes become stronger if they join hands with other heroes. So, let […]

5 tips to travel smart, for Cuban expats

Travelling is sometimes a dream come true. After long working days and busy weekends, breathing fresh air and enjoying the sun, water, mountains or whatever makes us relax is all we need to refill. In order to make the travel experience that perfect time we’ve dreamed of all year long, here are 5 tips to […]