Being happy shouldn’t be that hard. Psychologists say that the things that make us really happy have usually nothing to do with money or other material accomplishments we are striving for every day. There are studies pointing out that a good friendship brings us three times more happiness than a raise.
So, for all Cuban expats that miss home, here are 5 tips to live a happier live. This way maybe you can discover a source of happiness in all the small things around you!
Creativity and focus boost, improvement of your mood and self esteem, seeing how chaos and harmony may happen at the same time are some of the benefits of spending time in nature. Think about the flow of a regular day! How much better would it be with only one of these benefits translated into our daily activity?!
Routine is a trap we all fall into, as it is part, and should be acknowledged as such, of our daily life. But we can see it less annoying if once in a while we try something new: a weekend getaway, a picnic in the park, movie night and the list may be generous.
Let’s face it, being an adult is exhausting. Of course, our advice has nothing to do with forgetting to pay the bills or showing up late at the office. But you may blow bubbles, play games, make a snow angel. Not only is it fun to act like a kid, but it keeps you in the present moment, instead of ruminating on the past or future.
Just say “Thank you!” to all those that are there for you, no matter what: your mum, your dad, your brothers and sisters, your friends… And this brings us to the next special tip!
Being apart from your family and friends back home in Cuba doesn’t need to be an obstacle for your happiness. An international call to Cuba can bring you closer than ever, it shows how much you care and how much you miss them.
Calling Cuba is easier than ever and it always puts a smile on your face because this way you manage to stay in touch with the people you care about even when leaving abroad.
With calling Cuba is only
69.9 ¢/min and you can call:
from your smartphone
from your landline or mobile
from your computer